ID  1173
Trouble in Our Backyard. Central America and The United States in the Eighties.
Diskin, Martin
Artículo Disponible
327.7280 D611
  • Central America - Foreing relations - United States - Addresses. essays. lectures
  • United States - Foreing relations - Central America - Addresses. essays. lecture
  • Central America - Politics and Government - 1979- - Addresses. essays. lectures
  • United States - Foreing relations - 1981- - Addresses. essays. lectures.
From the death squads of El Salvador to counterrevolution in Nicaragua, the daily headlines of crisis in Central America have preoccupied both the press and the REagan administration. However, dangeroulsy few poliy makers have looked behind the bloody statistics or Reagan's new cold war thetoric to comprehend the stark realities of power, wealth, and ideology at work today in each of teh five states of Central America - and to reexamine the implications of our own course of action.
These nine incisive essays bye leading social scientists in both North and Latin America, with a provocative coda from Günter Grass, lay bare the true social dimensions and historical roots of the curretn unrest. What are the interests vying for power at the top, and who make up the force mobilizingat ground level to whom the future of these states may belong? Unless we look hard - and soon- for the answers to these questions, we vill be bound to a path of destructive crisis management, not diplomacy, as we claim to search for a just and stable solution for Central America.
Pantheon Books
United States of America
New York
Priscila Barrientos
Priscila Barrientos

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