On Power and Ideology. The Managua Lectures.
Chomsky, Noam
Artículo Disponible
327.7307 C548
In March 1986, Noam Chomsky had the opportunity to visit Managua and lecture at the Universidad Centroamericana. These lecture consisted of a morning series, devoted to the problems of language an knowledge (forthcoming from MIT Press), and an afternoon series, devoted to contemporary political issues, from which this book is transcribed. Prticipants included a wide range of people, including members of the Nicaraguan academic community and visitors from Costa Rica univeristies. Hte lectures, delivered in English and translated into Spanish, were also broadcast.
On Power and Ideology consists of five lectures on U.S. international and security policy. The arguments are concise; the information overwhelming; the presentation particularly moving. The first two lectures examine the persistent and largely invariant features of U.S. foreing policy, the overall framework of order. The third lecture discusses Central America and its place in the foreign policy pattern. The fourth looks at U.S. domestic policy - how it fachions foreing and national policies and how they can be changed. The lecture are followed by discussion and questions from the audience. These five talks, delivered directly to the people bearing the brunt of U.S. foreing policy, make historic and exciting reading. |
South End Press
United States of America
Priscila Barrientos
Priscila Barrientos
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