Women at Worship Interpretations of North American Diversity
Procter - Smith, Marjorie; Walton, Janet R.
Artículo Disponible
291.38 W872
These diverse but unified descriptions of original ceremonies, liturgies, and rites offer suggestions for revitalizing traditional liturgical expressions in relation to women's experience. Mary Collins reviews the "principles of feminist liturgy"; Margaret Mores Wenig, Annie Ruth Powell, Ruth Duck, Sheila Redmond, and Ann Patrick Ware demostrate the difficulty and teh promise of critiquing traditional liturgical practices; Sue Levi Elwell, Diann L. Neu, Patricia Malarcher, and Ada María Isasi - Díaz show the posibilities of creating feminist/mujerista liturgies tha retain recognizable link with their traditions but push the boundaries of tradition; Irene Monroe and Wendy Hunter Roberts give examples of the possibilities of creating new traditions from ancient or non-Western sources; and Dolores Williams and Eileen King conclude with reflections on the questions: What is the value of the image of Jesus for Christian womanist worship? and What is feminist prayer?
Westmister John Knox Press
United States of America
Lousville, Kentucky
Priscila Barrientos
Priscila Barrientos
Elaborado por Editorial Digital, www.editorialdigital.net